声动未来工程:为聋人言语康复点亮希望之光Voice for the Future Project




In the bustling urban life filled with clamorous sounds, but for the deaf, this world is incredibly silent.



Shanghai Five Hearts Charity Foundation is making efforts to illuminate a glimmer of hope for the deaf, conveying precious care and support to society through speech rehabilitation activities.




活动时间:2023年9月27日 9:00——12:00

Event Date: September 27, 2023, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.


活动地点: 上海市养志康复医院(阳光康复中心)

Event Location: Sunshine Rehabilitation Center, Shanghai Rehabilitation Hospital.


活动内容: 听力评估、言语评估、社会能力评估、言语训练

Event Activities: Hearing assessment, speech assessment, social ability assessment, speech training.




来自LiLi Time咖啡馆的4位聋人咖啡师,每一位都带着对未来的渴望和信心前来参加活动

Four deaf coffee baristas from LiLi Time Café, each filled with hope and confidence for the future, came to participate in the event.






The speech rehabilitation activities include hearing assessment, speech assessment, social ability assessment, and speech training. The goal is to help them regain their hearing and speech abilities, ultimately enhancing their work skills, social skills and quality of life.






Assessment results have shown that hearing aids have had a positive impact on the hearing and speech abilities of these deaf individuals.



However, due to the high cost of hearing aids, some of them still cannot afford the necessary devices.This has become a challenging issue in the field of speech rehabilitation, emphasizing the urgent need for the support of compassionate individuals. 



Hearing aids will be a crucial tool on their journey to speech rehabilitation, helping them better integrate into society.



It is at this crucial moment that we hope manufacturers or compassionate individuals can lend a helping hand, sponsor hearing aids, enabling these deaf individuals to better regain their hearing, enhance their speech abilities, and reintegrate into society.





The speech rehabilitation activities organized by the Shanghai Five Hearts Charity Foundation not only provide valuable rehabilitation services for the deaf but also convey love and care.






这次活动的成功离不开各位志愿者和专业医护团队的辛勤付出,以及LiLi Time咖啡馆的聋人咖啡师们的热情参与。

The success of this event would not have been possible without the dedication of our volunteers and the professional medical team, as well as the enthusiastic participation of the deaf coffee baristas from LiLi Time Café.



This event is not just about rehabilitation; it's an experience of rekindling hope in life.





This event has not only improved the quality of life for the deaf but also provided an opportunity for society to gain a deeper understanding and show more care for those in need of rehabilitation support.





We look forward to more such events in the future, to illuminate the hope for more individuals in need and help them step out of silence, rediscovering the beauty of life.








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